First things first, you will need some tools to get started.
Your personalised Sportmonks API token
Unlocking the full potential of your football application begins with your personalised API token. After creating your My.Sportmonks account, navigate to the settings page to generate your unique token. For security reasons, the API token will only be shown to you once upon creation. Please make sure to write down your API token somewhere safe.
Football API Postman Collection
Downloading the Sportmonks Football API collection is your next step. Click the link below to access the Football 3.0 API collection on Postman:
Download the Football 3.0 API Collection
This collection empowers you with the tools to integrate football data into your projects seamlessly.
Postman Account
No worries if you still need to get a Postman account. You can effortlessly create one when prompted by following the provided link. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, setting up your Postman account is a breeze.
Once you’ve gathered all the necessary tools and accounts, you can start with the Postman collection. The first step is to insert your API token.