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xG Pricing explained

Yes! xG is finally here and Sportmonks aspires to make xG accessible for everybody. We will explain exactly how the different packages compare to each other in this blog.

Published 13 May 2024
Last updated 9 December 2024
Jordy Post
xG Pricing explained

What xG Metrics are on the line?

First things first, it is important that you know what xG is, how it works, and what is included in our packages. So, in the image below you will find every single xG Metric Sportmonks brings to the table.


As you can see there is a lot that can be accessed. And we want to make the hot statistic xG available for everyone. That is why these metrics were divided into different packages (Basic, Standard, and Advanced).

Every package is different, and we will explain how the packages work below. First, let’s look at the different factors.

  1. Availability
  2. Metrics
  3. Leagues

1. Availability

In short, the availability of the packages is different. The Basic package will have xG 12 hours after the match, the Standard package will have the xG Metrics right after the match, and the Advanced package will have xG available live.

2. Metrics

The xG Metrics available in the packages are different.

  • The Basic package has xG per fixture.
  • The Standard package has xG per fixture and xG on Target per Fixture.
  • The Advanced package has all xG Metrics available. Please refer to the image above to find out which metrics are available.

3. Leagues

Last but not least, the number of leagues in your plan affects the pricing. The European Plan includes 27 leagues, while the Enterprise Plan has over 2,200 leagues. Not all leagues will have xG Metrics available (right away). You can find which leagues are included on our documentation.

For example, the xG Basic Metrics add-on will start for the European Plan with a pricing of €19,-, while the pricing for the Enterprise Plan lies at €49,-.

Every xG Metrics package explained

xG Metrics packages

Basic Expected Goals

xG Metrics Basic

In the Basic package, xG per fixture will be available 12 hours post-match.

In our blogs ‘xG Explained‘ and ‘What is Expected Goals‘ we explain exactly what xG means and what you can do with the main xG Metric.

Standard Expected Goals

xG Metrics Standard

In the Standard package, xG per fixture and xG on Target per Fixture will be available straight after the final whistle of a match.

In our blogs ‘xG Explained‘ and ‘What is Expected Goals‘ we explain exactly what xG and xG on Target mean and what you can do with both xG Metrics.

Advanced Expected Goals

xG Metrics Advanced

Contrary to the other packages, the xG Metrics advanced package has all our xG Metrics, and all of them are available live.

The xG advanced package will have all our xG metrics, including xG per Fixture, xG On Target, Non-Penalty xG, xG Open Play, xG Set Play, xG Corners, xG Free kick, xG Penalty, Expected Points, Expected Points Table, Expected Goals Conceded, Expected Goal difference, Over/Underperformance players, Over/Underperformance team, Expected Goals Saved.


What leagues have xG available?
We have a list available in our documentation. Please keep in mind this list is not yet complete, as not all leagues that will have xG available is active. Once leagues like the European Championship have played xG will also be available here.
How can I get access to xG Data?
You can simply get access by going to MySportmonks and adding the Expected Goal add-on to your subscription. Not yet registered to MySportmonks? Create your account and start with Expected Goals by creating your New Subscription.
How are xG values calculated?
xG values are calculated using historical shot data. The calculations are made based on the shot's location, angle, and distance. Next, the type of shot (for example, header or foot) is considered. The position of the goalkeeper and players is also used in the calculations. This data and additional information are used to create the different xG metrics, providing a comprehensive understanding of goal-scoring probabilities.

Expected goals is usually expressed as a value between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates a very low probability of scoring and 1 indicates a very high probability. For example, a clear one-on-one chance with the goalkeeper might have a high xG value close to 1, while a long-range speculative shot might have a low xG value closer to 0. An xG value above 0.38 for a specific shot is considered a big chance. For example, a penalty has an average xG of 0.79 to be scored.

Keep in mind that the quality of a player is not accounted for. So, for expected goals, it does not matter if Lionel Messi is the one taking a shot or if the data scientist of Sportmonks takes the shot.
How does speed impact the availability of xG values?
The availability of xG values is influenced by the speed of data processing. Since xG calculations require match statistics like shots, there may be a delay before xG values become available. Patience is key as relevant match data is processed to generate accurate xG insights.
How does the reliability of xG values depend on the context of the match?
The reliability of xG values is contingent on various factors, including the context of the match. A nuanced understanding of the game's flow, tempo, and dynamics enhances the interpretation of xG values, providing valuable insights into the scoring probabilities.
Can I use xG with a custom plan?
Absolutely! If you have a personalized plan and wish to leverage the xG feature, simply reach out to our support team. We'll swiftly arrange the setup of a tailored xG add-on for you. Feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or get in touch with support via our contact page. We're here to assist you every step of the way!

Written by Jordy Post

Jordy Post is a seasoned football data and marketing expert with over 3 years of industry experience. With an in-depth understanding of Football Data, he stands out as a leading authority in delivering comprehensive insights. Jordy specializes in uncovering new stats, tracking market trends, and identifying emerging patterns, consistently providing innovative analyses that offer invaluable insights to Sports Data lovers.

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